tirsdag 2. juli 2013

Empties part 1

I need to stop buying things, and  use up what I have, and in the past I've used up a lot, here are some of those:


1.Bawelna eye makeup remover, it's polish brand, the product is gentle, does not irritate, removes eye makeup and I have already bought a new bottle, it is cheap and easy to obtain in Poland

2.Bioderma H2O all brag about it so I had to try, it is very difficult to obtain, it does not exist in Norway, but I bought it from ebay, I had high expectations for it, and I'm disappointed, it does not remove all my makeup, has no chance against waterproof mascara, and is not worthy to be bought again

3.Effaclar, it dries out the skin, contains a lot of alcohol, and make your skin worse, will never buy it again.

4.Normaderm, it is to be in love with.
I have very blemished skin and it is very pimply, the last time I fought against acne, without finding anything that helps, but this helps a little, it is very gentle, contain AHA acids that work wonders on acne and makes my skin better , I have already bought a new bottle of it, my skin is still impure but much better than before I started using it.

do you know of anything that helps blemished skin?


2 kommentarer:

  1. aaaa a ja wlasnie jestem w Polsce i zamowilam ten effaclar.. mam nadzieje ze u mnie bedzie ok

    1. Moze twoja cera go lepiej odczuje, milego urlopu ;)
